As Camelot Unchained enters a stage when they can start actually sharing the game itself, I hope the team at CSE keeps it up. In the latest newsletter from City State Games, the team is happy to report that they are back on track with their Camelot Unchained 90-Day plan. I’m a fan of letting your game speak for itself rather than having to create marketing materials or bs videos of a dev sitting there talking. I’m a fan of the “our game is not for everyone” tone. I love the blunt and matter of fact way in which they talk about their game. Something else I want to touch on briefly is the way in which Mark and his team are promoting/marketing/etc., CU. My mind is creating these types of experience already in the graphical style of what I’ve seen in Camelot Unchained. A leap in GPU 15 Replies - Last by Wooglin - 8/3/18 Orkbane artwork: Camelot Unchained The Depths 17 Replies - Last by Orkbane - 9/5/16 Into The Stars. It’s all about the realm, the large group, and the server battling together rather than guilds or individuals or teams. The only game to truly capture my attention from a PvP angle was Dark Age of Camelot. When it comes to PvP I’m reluctant to participate and always have been since I started playing online games. I’m starting to get excited to think about playing this game and rekindling that sense of a big world of territories ripe for the conquering. I think the character models already look good and have a lot of potential.

Pretty cool right? I’m liking how they’ve progressed from that tech demo. Â When I saw the screenshots from the P.A.T. I’m not a graphics whore or snob (well okay maybe a little). I’ll be the first to admit that I thought Camelot Unchained would look rough. I think I get access to some version of Alpha based on my support of their Kickstarter campaign… I just can’t remember when or how I’m supposed to be getting that access.

Camelot Unchained is currently in pre-alpha testing. CityState Games has revealed the four winners of their early CUBE alpha keep building contest in Camelot Unchained. The list below is organized by design period. Such a welcome change from the dismal outlook I’ve had on MMOs lately. During the creation of Camelot Unchained many videos encompassing the design systems, gameplay, and fun studio events were recorded. My excitement for Camelot Unchained is really starting to ramp up.