The heater hits my setpoint and just keeps on running. I have to adjust the stat at least 5 to 8 degrees lower than I normally would. It likes to overheat the space before shutting off. For one, I think the stat on the unit does a poor job of regulating temperature. I totally understand the possible need for a remote stat. Overall it's a pretty nice unit and heats the 800 sq. QUOTE=frankush 8321389]I purchased and installed a Rinnai EX38CTN last year at a cabin I have in northern WI. Not much else out there with a modulating gas valve and a variable speed blower though. It was an expensive heater and there is zero local support for these heaters in northern WI. The kit that Rinnai offers to raise the vent is ugly as sin. It's really too low for the snow totals we get at that location. The fan is noisier than I would like, but the thing I hate most is the 12" height on the intake\exhaust vent. I can see where a remote stat with an adjustable anticipator could remedy this.

I purchased and installed a Rinnai EX38CTN last year at a cabin I have in northern WI. Your 1004 is an excellent heater, but you have no option other than that which I have listed.
#Rinnai wall energysaver rhfe troubleshooting software#
The Japanese Engineers worked the software over to be able to allow the unit to operate with a wall stat and they have worked very well in that regard. Reason being that they typically operate at a very consistent temperature across the seven stage modulation and do so reliably. I sold almost a qtr million Rinnai Energysavers and was not a fan of a wall stat for them. Last year the T models were introduced and allow you, with the optional kit, to operate the unit with whatever wi-fi stat you choose. This was used to let you go down as low as 38* for your maintenance temp when away. It was replaced by the ES-38 which has what Rinnai calls a Frost setting. Set the stat at its lowest and then hit the economy button. The 04 factory stat low setting is about 56*. It does not have the option of the low(er) temp settings.

The 1004 was introduced in '98 and its production ended in '07 or '08.