It’s essentially a handhold through leveling, trying to get you where you need to be as painlessly as possible. It’ll tell you where you need to go and what quests you need to pick up next. This add-on is for all players trying to go from 1-60. While nothing can make it pain free, Azeroth Auto Pilot puts in some work. Naturally you want to make this process as painless as possible. If you’re lucky, you may just hit level 60 in about 170 hours of in-game time. Leveling in World of Warcraft Classic is a laborious process.
Wowmatrix classic wow how to#
If you’re trying to figure out how to install add-ons, we’ve put some instructions at the bottom of this post. Here’s a list of our favorite add-ons to make your journey through Azeroth in World of Warcraft Classic that much easier.
Wowmatrix classic wow download#
Or you can download an add-on to improve the experience. If you want to know where to go and what to do, you better take your time and read the quest text. The UI and the quest design is straight out of 2004. This is doubly true for World of Warcraft Classic. This macro will cast Aspect of the Hawk when right-clicked, Aspect of the Pack when used in conjunction with the shift key, Aspect of the Cheetah when used in conjunction with the control key, Aspect of the Wild when used in conjunction with the alt key or Aspect of the Monkey.Blizzard has done a solid job with World of Warcraft for 15 years, but sometimes there are features the game could really use. castsequence reset=5 Find Minerals, Find Herbs, Track Beasts, Track Demons, Track Dragonkin, Track Elementals, Track Giants, Track Hidden, Track Humanoids, Track Undead This macro will rotate casting of each tracker within the reset timer. cast Explosive Trap Frost Trap Snake Trap Freezing Trap Immolation Trap This macro will cast Explosive Trap when right-clicked, Frost Trap when used in conjunction with the shift key, Snake Trap when used in conjunction with the control key, Freezing Trap when used in conjunction with the alt key or Immolation Trap. This macro will cast Raptor Strike followed by Wing Clip. castsequence reset=target/combat Concussive Shot, Steady Shot This macro will cast Concussive Shot followed by Steady Shot. This macro will cast Silencing Shot at hostile mouseover target or hostile current target. This macro will cast Distracting Shot then stop attacking. This macro will cast Volley or Flare when used in conjunctiong with the shift, control or alt key /cast Flare Volley cast Serpent Sting Viper Sting Scorpid Sting Tranquilizing Shot This macro will cast Serpent Sting or Viper Sting when used in conjunctiong with the shift key, Scorpid Sting when used in conjunction with the control key and Tranquilizing Shot when used in conjunction with the alt key. This macro will cast Rapid Fire, Berserking followed by Aimed Shot. This macro will cast Misdirection to focus target when it's friendly, to selected friendly target or to pet when it's alive.

castsequence Aimed Shot reset=6 Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot This macro will cast Aimed Shot if you are out of combat and a rotation of Arcane Shot when not on cooldown and Steady Shot. castsequence reset=2/target !Auto Shot, Steady ShotĪimed Shot, Arcane Shot and Steady Shot Rotation This macro will cast Auto Shot and Steady Shot in alternating order and activates Kill Command when it's not on cooldown. Auto Shot and Steady Shot Rotation with Kill Command